Monday, March 12, 2007

Class Note - March 11 UNOFFICIAL


Sharing of Journal Entries
  • Reviewed journal entries, shared ideas about Maat and how it is used
  • In response to discussion about the demise of values in our community, a student shared that Aset as a mother to Heru, is a good role model for young mothers today
Maat: Defining Our Terms
  • Shared and read key terms, such as truth, harmony, justice, balance, righteousness, divine right order, and reciprocity [hopefully the full text will be posted later]
  • Asked to discuss "Truth", and look at the value of the definition presented, truth "it's that which comes as it will to show you how to live correctly as a being of self-knowledge and self mastery..."
  • Added that the "Declarations of Innocence" provide very specific expectations that support the more general terms reflective in Maat
    • I have not cheated ... for example
The Book of the Moral Narrative
  • Refers to both the Husia and Karenga's recent work on Maat
  • Shares the handout, "Book of the Moral Narrative"
  • Examined some modern day examples, such as the change of democracy in South Africa - is this an example of justice ("i.e. not driving whites from the land"), harmony (showing an enemy a different way) or something else?
  • In exploring examples of application, the intermediate periods were overturned by force, not by word; how can this be applied to our collaspse today?
Khun-Anup Story
  • Discussed the story of Khun-Anup and its application; reviewed the story
  • Discussed the aspects of the story which are clearly examples of injustice; the administrators and officials mistreated Khun-Anup
  • Is the story true, or is it a teaching lesson?
  • Suggested that Khun-Anup is a priest or is representative of the priestly class, and consequently the story may be an example of a change or redirection amongst the priests

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